Category: Word for the Week

Word for the Week

Press forward, never go back. We are called to press into the heart of the matter, discover the truth, expose the lie and do what God tells us to do to remove the evil.  Compromise is not an option.

Word for the Week

“For MY honor and glory” We must remember that everything we do, say and think must be what honors our Father in heaven.  Jesus did nothing but what He saw His Father doing, we must follow His example.

Word for the Week

Change the world. We must seek the Lord daily for His changes in the way we think, see and speak but also in how we are to accomplish His changes in the world around us.  Declare that His joy increases in us

Word for the Week

Unique strategies. I believe the Lord wants us to ask for strategies WAY outside our thinking.  Strategies for relationships, for business, for ministry, for the next phase in our destinies.  Ask, seek, knock.

Word of the Week

“I press My mark of light on you.” Just as the people knew that Peter and John had been with Jesus, so too, let the Light of the Lord so shine through us because we spend time with Him that

Word for the Week

“Honesty” In this world, honesty will set us apart and draw others to us.   Because of our righteous testimony, others will take courage and face down the enemy when tempted.

Word for the Week

“Move in your giftings.” I hear the Lord calling us to focus on what we are destined to do and not be distracted by all the “good” things we can do.   Tie up that loose end, delegate that responsibility,

Word for the Week

“On the other side of the Cross” I see the Cross of Jesus as an entryway from the shadow land of our third dimension into a real perspective.  Daily we must press through the substance of the Cross and allow the Blood

Word for the Week

“Remember the promises.”  Our Covenant Keeper and Savior wants us to remember that He is ready and eager to fulfill His promises to us.  We must simply ask, seek and knock with faith and perseverance.  Just His Names alone are

Word for the Week

Do your part immediately. We must listen closely to the Voice of God and the promptings of the Holy Spirit and obey immediately.  We are all part of the body, each with a special function.  To sin or avoid obeying
