Dear Wonderful Saints,
This is the end of a year of amazing victories, a few unexpected course corrections, some frustrations, a couple of homegoings of dear ones and tremendous hope and vision for what God is pointing us to in the coming months.
One quick testimony of seeing Jeremiah 17:14 in action. “Heal me, Lord, and I will be healed; save me and I shall be saved, for YOU are my praise.” Last week, I was stopped by a mom who has been with the school for 11 years. She came to the Lord about five years ago and I have seen some progress in her Christian growth but not as I would have hoped.
Ines was very excited to tell me her story. Her 15-year-old nephew had an operation which we prayed about at school. The boy slipped into a coma after the operation and was not expected to live. On the second day of the coma, Ines gathered her family members together in the hospital waiting room and prayed with them that God would wake the boy up. To pray in public was a tremendous act of faith for her. She then went to the intensive care room where she was left alone with her nephew. She said she was full of faith but trembling as she prayed a prayer of desperation. A warm wind blew gently through the closed room and caused her to open her eyes. The bed sheets fluttered in response to the wind and she knew God was present with her. She took the boy’s hand and his eyes blinked open three times – the first movement he had made in two days. Ines was beside herself as she hurried back to her family and told them the good news. No one believed her but she kept praying. Two more days passed in motionless coma, when suddenly the boy woke up. Ines knows God came and touched the boy. Her faith has taken a giant step forward. We praise God with her and I lay down my expectations as how God is working in the lives of others. 

Another bit of super news is that Kjersti has put together and released to the world our very own webpage!! Now you can visit us lots of times each month and find out what God is doing to and through the Injerds of Mission SEA LA LUZ in Ecuador. Make this site a favorite: . To God be the glory!! (Kjersti took the incredible mountain photos from our valley.)
Have a blessed time celebrating Jesus this month. You are special to us and very special to HIM.
Together for the Kingdom,
Dave, Sharman, Erland and Kjersti Injerd