Categoría: Monthly Updates

(English) Update, September 2015

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en Inglés Estadounidense.

(English) Update, July 2015

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en Inglés Estadounidense.

(English) Update, May 2015

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en Inglés Estadounidense.

(English) Update, April 2015

Disculpa, pero esta entrada está disponible sólo en Inglés Estadounidense.

Update, February 2015

Dear Encouraging Saints, We trust you have been walking in and experiencing the amazing grace of God this last month.   Our eyes have been opened to see His hand more and more in the outpouring of His mercies and great

Update, January 2015

Dear Expectant Saints, Every year, I meditate and study what God would have us know about His intent for the new year by looking at what the numbers signify. E. W. Bullinger in his book, Number in Scripture writes, “As

Update, December 2014

Rejoicing Saints,           Jesus loves us!  Is this not a tremendous reason to rejoice?  It’s enough to make me do cartwheels!!  If we could just wrap our minds around this truth, it would change our whole thinking process – change our identity.   Last week, the

October, 2014 Update

Hello Dear Saints! Blessed Feast of Tabernacles! We are celebrating two new beginnings, the new school year and the Hebrew new calendar year, 5775, year of God´s Whirlwinds. School is going at a good pace with many new faces. The

August 2014, Update

Dear Saints, Well, the summer is over and so is our home ministry assignment on the East Coast.  We had a wonderful time!  A huge thank you to all of you that opened your homes, held dinners and special meetings, arranged speaking

June 2014, Update

Dear Praying Saints,             May was an amazing month for us in which we saw the manifold blessings of God to His work here.  We pray that you have taken note of His mercies to you and given Him thanks from your
