Apadrinar un Niño

What issues are addressed through sponsorship?

Faith – Sea La Luz is founded on love for Christ and a desire to follow His calling in all aspects of life.  It is our prayer that the walk of faith modeled on a daily basis will inspire the children, teachers and families to lean on God for all of their needs and in every situation.

Education – The primary vision of the Mission’s educational endeavors is to teach how to live a life focused and committed to Jesus.  When the Kingdom of God is first in the children’s thinking, all the educational subjects are much more easily obsorbed.  The Mission provides our own Biblical based curriculum and a Christ-centered education at no expense to many families through sponsorships.

Health – Health education, disease prevention and assistance with pressing nutritional deficiencies are all addressed by the Mission through the help of our sponsors.

Why sponsor a student?

Because prayer saves lives and draws the student into his destiny.  The faithful prayers of sponsors have changed the lives of the children.  The godly counsel of the sponsor can save an older child from making serious decision errors.  The fact that someone cares enough to pray, write and help with expenses is monumental to the student and their parents.

Where does my sponsorship money go?

Sponsorship money goes directly to the sponsored child’s education.  Children attend Sea La Luz at a cost of $90.00 per month to the Mission and an expense of $10.00 a month to the families.  This money covers books, the salaries of their teachers, snacks, transportation, electricity and emergency medical or food assistance to the family.

For the sponsored child all of the school monthly costs are covered and the parents pay only the one-time registration fee.

What level of commitment is required from sponsors?

The cost of full sponsorship of a child for a school year is $1000.00 or $100.00 a month, September through June.

Financial support is important and necessary, however, if the Lord puts a different amount in your heart to donate, we joyfully accept but do ask that you complete the absolutely vital role of prayer and encouragement to your student.

Prayer –  Please commit to daily bringing the child before the Father for whatever the student has requested and as the Spirit moves.  If situations arise at school that warrant more prayer, we will let you know.

Letters – We ask that you write your student three times during the year.  These notes may be sent via e-mail or to our post office box in Quito.  With Carrie’s help, we will make sure your child responds, you receive photos and a short video clip.

You may send letters and SMALL gifts to:


Casilla 17-17-2027

Quito, Ecuador

Packages sent through the mail often do not make it through customs.

Sponsors may also send money especially designated for new shoes, a new sweatshirt or school supplies.

Okay, I have decided I want to sponsor a child!  Now what?

  1. Send us an email at misionsealaluz@sealaluz.org. Let us know who you are, if you would like to sponsor a specific child or if you would prefer to have us seek God’s choice for you.
  2. Let us know what level of sponsorship to which you feel called to participate.
  3. Please indicate communication preferences such as snail-mail or e-mail or both.
  4. Please visit our Donate page for information on how to support your child.

Blessings of Sponsorship

  1. Connect with a child that needs your prayers.
  2. Pour into the life of a world changer on the ground floor.
  3. Help bring the Light of Christ into Tambo and Guabug through the children.

Meet the Kids!