Mes: enero 2014

Word for the Week

Remember Who I AM. All of His Names are precious to us but I am drawn today to focus on Him as Counselor.  Think about it.   How wise, how comforting, how perfect for each individual, how constant is His counsel in

Word for the Week

The Presence (of God) is coming.  Call for it.  Ask for it. He is closer than we know and longing to envelope us in His presence.  He probably will not come like you imagine He will nor as He has

Word for the Week

Destiny in and for the Kingdom – embrace it. Do not be limited or discouraged by what the world says you can or cannot do.  Receive all training with joy and grow from it.  Use the old structures and systems as

January, 2014 Update

 Dear Rejoicing Saints:             We want to thank each of you who sent us your Christmas family news.  It is good to catch up and share with your lives . We thank those that are excited with us for the new family

Word for the Week

Honor covenants.    Whether with God or with man, I believe we must be wise in making covenants and promises and be alert to fulfill them.
