Dear Rejoicing Saints:
Thank you for all the kind congratulations and blessings to Erland and Mayra on their marriage. Your notes were very thoughtful. We are excited with and for them.
How exciting to be alive and see God work in amazing ways! He IS good. He has designed a destiny and future for each of us and it is GOOD! This is a time to wake up every morning and say, “This is a good day, I have a good future, I have a good Father!” We need to concentrate and study Isaiah 60. It is about us living in the Light, seeing God cover us with His favor and walking in His blessings. Darkness is the absence of light. We are children of the Light and therefore live, walk and talk in the Light. Our mission is to bring the Light to those who live without His joy and assurance, to those in the deep darkness.
Evil is the absence of good. God is good – a fact. His Name is holy and pure before which the demons flee. Do we see evil around us? Proclaim the Name of Lord Sabaoth, Adoni T’Saba, El Shaddai and bring the Light, the holy and GOOD presence of the Lord to the situation. The evil and dark must dissipate. I believe we would be overwhelmed by how many around us are instinctively crying out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me. I want to see!” What a glorious task is before us – is it not an incredible time to be alive?
Last week the Lord had me reflect on what are the true desires of my heart. I named two of my passions: the salvation of many souls and then seeing these saved souls really living for Jesus – unrestrained, fearless, pure-in-heart followers of The King. We must sow to reap. We have sown prayer, encouragement and truth into our villagers, the Ministry of Education, the high school in Quito and everywhere we go. We have also reaped in various ways but I feel the time of the truly big harvest is at the door. This week was the beginning of the reaping.
Two weeks ago, the 22-year-old son of Irene, our faithful teacher, was killed instantly in a motorcycle accident. He is survived by his wife and two little daughters. His death affected the entire school as son, father, brother-in-law, uncle and fellow villager.
When he was 11, I led Darwin to the Lord and brought him to a dear church in Quito to be baptized. The intervening years did not produce the fruit his mother or I wanted to see but God’s hand was obviously on him. A few weeks ago, he came to the end of himself and ask forgiveness of his wife, his daughters, his in-laws and family for his wayward living, making peace and amends with everyone. Then he was gone. I knew in my spirit that he was with the Lord but before and at the funeral Mayra and Kjersti each had visions of Darwin in heaven with Jesus, which were a tremendous comfort to Irene.
Thursday (the 13th), I spent time with Irene of unloading, sharing and praying and I came away very blessed. Irene knows without a doubt that God’s destiny for Darwin was to that day and no further. She now sees how she has been holding back from God in fear and selfishness and declared to Jesus and myself (as a witness) that she wants to live a no-holds-barred life for the Lord because this is what we are here to do. Hallelujah, the Lord granted one of my passions to be fulfilled immediately.
The same day as a total surprise, Marcia, Darwin’s widow, came up to the school after classes to receive prayer and comfort. Broken, weeping and weary, the young woman poured out her heart to me. I shared the visions of Darwin with Jesus to console her. She said she knew he was in heaven but that she was not a believer and would not see him again. She asked if I would please show her how to receive salvation, forgiveness of sins and the assurance of eternal life. She acknowledged that she desperately needs Jesus in her life and wants to be with Darwin in heaven. With the precious prayer of faith came assurance and profound peace. Then with much lighter steps she and I walked down the mountain from the school to our van where Irene and Ruth, Marcia’s sister, were waiting for a ride to their homes. As the ladies settled into the van, the Holy Spirit prodded me and I asked Marcia if she would like to tell her sister and mother-in-law what she had just done. Immediately, she rose to the moment and declared without fear or hesitation that she had been forgiven of sins, received Jesus as her Savior and wanted to live a clean life for Him. Irene’s eyes filled with tears and Ruth bowed her head in heart-felt thanks to God Most High. As for me, I am in awe of how great and good my God is to heal the broken-hearted and set the captives free. How intent is our God to answer the passion of our hearts when we walk in the Light as He is in the Light.
This is a good day!
Together for the Kingdom,
Sharman for Dave, Erland, Mayra and Kjersti Injerd
- Dave’s continuing privilege of ministering to and being ministered by men via the phone.
- Major milestone achieved by Zak and Dave completing the interior paneling in our home.
- God’s Kingdom advancing.
- Mayra is a tremendous compliment to our family and a very good friend to Kjersti.
- Health and safety.
- More souls and disciples for the Kingdom!
- We concentrate on the goodness of the Lord.
- Guabug school documents to be approved.
- Open doors for Erland new career and Mayra’s visa to be released.
- Health and safety.