Dear Appreciated Saints,
The last few weeks have been awesome, thank you so much for your prayers and encouragement! Even though we do not take a Thanksgiving “vacation” to celebrate our thanks, we are extremely thankful for you, dear, faithful family of God who help, support and pray us through each month and year. Did you know that we will complete 16 years of ministry in Ecuador this December? How we have grown in the Lord and in awe of His amazing work in and through us. Thank you for staying the course with us.
Our new missionary, Zakry Fleshman is a real blessing! His visa was approved within a month of his arrival (hallelujah) and he has fit in very well.
We are continuing to pray and praise the Lord for the nearing completion of the chain-link fence around the school buildings. Erland is supervising the installation and with Zak and Dave they have worked many hours Remember the buildings are on the pointy crest of a hill which means that the 650-foot fence goes downhill on both sides over lumpy, muddy terrain. Their learning curve went straight up.
We had a wonderful teacher advancement training weekend last month. Three speakers were from here and we were delighted to have BJ Stavness and Dick Hochreiter from California join us. Kjersti was an excellent translator for them and prayer warrior as well. The testimonies of how each of the attendees were touched by the Lord were thought-provoking. Thank you for your prayers concerning this event. We will try to have another seminar in May.BJ and Dick visited with the school kids, giving words of wisdom and praying over each one. The men were invited by Maria to pray over her endeavors in Quito. While we were there, she
signed a monumental contract to provide high school education to the athletes training in the elite national sports program. No sooner was that done and prayed over when an indigenous pastor came from central Ecuador who desperately wants a SEA LA LUZ school in his area. What a blessing to pray for him too.
The children in the school are a true blessing and thrill us with their insightful prayers, spiritual growth and love. We were pleased to be able to bless them with sweaters and sweatshirts given to them by friends in a Florida church. Thank you!
The Lord is changing our thinking about the methods we use to educate the children and we are wondering what new and exciting adventures in reaching children and forming their lives He will lead us on in the coming years. Being a pioneer is very rewarding as long as we keep the goal in sight. For us it is a daily, “Here I am, Lord, please use me. Order my steps to accomplish much for the Kingdom.” We trust it is for you as well.
In mid-October, I, Sharman, was asked to participate in the installation of the first-ever Student Body governing group of Maria’s secular high school in Quito. Maria has been encouraging us personally and in educational field since the beginning and I have become her spiritual advisor. The kids on the board asked if I would be present at their installation and say something. Maria was not sure what they were expecting so she told me to say something encouraging. Having total freedom with Maria to say and do what God puts on my heart, I felt led to share with the teens about destiny and then to pray, adding that, in my/our capacity as spiritual advisors, we are available to pray with anyone that is interested.
Zak has been teaching a short math lesson and a long English lesson every week at Maria’s school. Since this is a new endeavor for him, either Kjersti or I go in with him to help out. The week after the installation, I was along with Zak and told the kids that came for the lesson we were available to pray with them. Immediately after the lesson, a young man stayed, then a young woman, and then two more were sitting at the table and wanted prayer. I was in my element. Another and another sat down by the two at the table and I just kept going from student to student praying quietly over each one. Then the fifth young man stopped me before I started to pray for him. He said, “Hermana (Sister), I am not a believer in God.” I smiled. “That’s not a problem,” I replied. “God believes in you and has a destiny for you. May I pray for you?” He considered this for an instant and said, yes, please.
I prayed over a couple more as I made my way around the large table and then looked up realizing that the table was full and they were the members of the Student Body Council. They were watching me expectantly. Realizing that they had gathered for their FIRST meeting, I turned to the President and asked if he wanted me to continue praying for the five left, including himself. The young man who was next in line and had had his head bowed, looked at me startled, “Yes, pray for me!” The President was very respectful and asked if I would please continue because they needed the direction of God. I was in awe that God would have me be in such a place and with the privilege to pray a right foundation in this group and in Maria’s school. We believe this is the start of a major break-through with the youth of Quito.
Thank you again, dear saints. We are grateful for your prayers and friendships. We pray God’s richest blessings on each of you.
Together for the Kingdom, Dave, Sharman, Erland and Kjersti Injerd
*Prayer ministry is growing.
*Precious children growing in the Lord.
*Kjersti continues to do amazing editing on the DVDs
*Erland has pushed through the fence project growing in his ability to orchestrate construction projects.
*Dave continues to bless those he counsels.
*Health and safety.
*We need someone to help edit the DVDs.
*Guabug school legalization.
*Erland’s near-future change of job plans.
*Guidance for the new path the mission schools are to take.
*Health and safety.