Dear Passing Over Saints,

The season of Passover this year for us was intense, multi-faceted and awesome. We trust you also left the old season behind and passed through in resurrection power into the next phase of your destiny.
Our long-awaited answer to prayer was Mayra´s “green card” visa for the USA as Erland´s wife. Praise God the visa came in March and a week later they celebrated with a beautiful wedding here in Ecuador. As radical Jesus-followers, the couple wanted their ceremony to portray the coming of Jesus for His Bride, the Church. The program was, like most of what our family does, out-of-the-ordinary.
Since the Church is waiting for the Groom, the bride came down the aisle first in great anticipation for the love of her life. Then the groom came in joy and confidence, dancing, jumping and cartwheeling to a righteous beat to claim the love of his life.
Think about it. Jesus, the Lover of our souls, will undoubtedly come for us with unrestrained joy, dancing to the music of the Throneroom after waiting milleniums for this event. Watching Erland come for Mayra took us out of confining traditional thinking into the realms of heaven. Oh, what joyful love Jesus has for us, His Bride. It was a Passover moment.

With Dave filming video, Carrie taking photos, Kjersti translating and BJ and myself ministering, we were blest to dedicate two precious babies to the Kingdom, with words of direction and encouragment for the mothers. Ten precious souls of children and parents from the school were baptized, presenting their lives before the Lord in a public demonstration of leaving the old behind and rising up into a new Christ-centered way of thinking and living. Again, the joy of the Lord overwhelmed us so we laughed and rejoiced with His kids coming into greater fullness. As an observation of the three weeks following their decisive moment, we have seen the two moms literally shed their sackcloth for garments of peace, confidence and focus on destiny. The 15-year-old girl has come up a couple of levels in her prophetic gifting and 13-year-old José, has had a complete change of attitude which has even transformed his eyes and face. It was a Passover moment for our people.

Thank you again for your faithful prayer and financial support for what God is doing here in His corner of Ecuador. We so appreciate you, your love, encouragement and sacrifice. Know that we pray for you and the USA as well.

The Injerd Family
David, Sharman and Kjersti Injerd
El Tambo, Napo Province, Ecuador
El Tambo, Napo Province, Ecuador