“Sing in the whirlwind. The rhythm affects the velocity of the wind.” Lord, I sing for change in the hearts of people, I sing for Your mighty move here. Teach me how to sing in agreement with Your wind. Lift…
“Sing in the whirlwind. The rhythm affects the velocity of the wind.” Lord, I sing for change in the hearts of people, I sing for Your mighty move here. Teach me how to sing in agreement with Your wind. Lift…
“THE Love overcomes” In Him and through His love all things are possible. I must be willing to let HIS LOVE manifest through me in whatever way HE chooses, so my part of the Kingdom can advance. His Love is…
Taste and see the richness and sweetness of His goodness. The focus word is “richness”. His goodness encompasses the vastness of the universe, far beyond our senses.
We must never forget what God has done for us in the past as a Body and individually, because this inspires us to have Faith in His Power and Goodness for our present and future! To encourage your faith and our…
But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides. (Amplified Bible)
Hallelujah, Saints! This is going to be a year of victory! Thank you for your prayers last month. God blessed and touched lives in an amazing way for the first-ever Teaching Training Seminar/Spiritual Growth conference. Instruction was imparted, ideas shared,…
Dear Thankful Saints, We are thankful for each of you and for the way God touches you to bless us and His work here. Thank you for being faithful co-laborers with us. This week I read and reread the story of…