Hallelujah, Saints! This is going to be a year of victory!
Thank you for your prayers last month. God blessed and touched lives in an amazing way for the first-ever Teaching Training Seminar/Spiritual Growth conference. Instruction was imparted, ideas shared, and minds expanded to teach in a God-directed way. The worship team that came from our affiliate church on the coast took our people to a new understanding of worship warfare and the Holy Spirit spoke through our precious brother with deep revelation of the things of God.
Thank you for praying us through the construction of the office/dormitory. It is DONE and a work of art. We thank God for His grace and provision and we thank Erland for his determination to finish the job successfully.
The school Christmas program was the most calm, FUN and inspired presentation yet. After managing the program for nine years, I decided the teachers had been given enough ideas and experience that they could do this one themselves. They did and it was wonderful. I feel so blest to see the fruit of God’s patient instruction in the school staff. Thank you for your specific prayers for more first-graders. Yesterday, God brought a new first grader to school, but he is a very insecure child. We ask for prayer that he return Monday with peace and determination to do his best.
This week, I shared with the school the thoughts I have gleaned from the Lord through His Word, His prophets and His revelation to me about this new year 2013. Why is it important to know what God says about a coming season? He would have us be alert and prepared as to what He has planned and the possible strategies of the enemy. Stay with me as I weave this together.
Psalm 100 is the chapter the Lord impressed on my heart for our focus. If you remember nothing else, please remember this: loud, bold, demonstrative worship and thanksgiving are what will get us through this year.
September, 2012, was the head of the Jewish New Year of 5773. Hebrew numbers are also concepts. The “73” tell us that this is the year of El Gibbor, the mighty God of War and of Jehovah Jireh, the God Who Provides. To be brief, the expectation of the year is that of the camels are coming with the provision God knows we need this year.
Now to the Gregorian calendar of 2013. According to Biblical scholars, the number “13” in the Bible indicated the transgressor, rebel or the act of rebellion. This could put an ominous light on the year and fear in our hearts – not so! In Isaiah 53:12, it declares that Jesus was “numbered with the transgressors.” Let me quote from the book Number In Scripture. “13 is the all-pervading factor of sin but also of sin’s atonement. It brands the sinner as a rebel against God but is also borne by the sinner’s Substitute.” Jesus REDEEMED the sinner and the number. This year has been redeemed; it is a year to be redeemed.
Yes, this year will have difficult times (what year does not?) but Jesus has won the victory for us and we can sing the song of the “redeemed”. Jesus is the Door of divine escape from rebellion to the new creature. He is the eye of the needle gate our camels (and ourselves) must pass through. How does a camel go through this tiny gate? I believe we must walk through the process regularly this year:
1. Unpack all cares off your back and pass them to Jesus. (He cares for you.) Give Him your gifts and abilities, that they too, may be redeemed.
2. To get through, we must get on our knees. Only with a humble, obedient, listening heart will we make the passage.
3. The camel can only shuffle slowly through the gate on its knees. I believe we must carefully seek the Lord’s leading and strategies for every decision. Be quick to repent and ask forgiveness – not only of God, but of those you offend. Do not let any aspect of the rebel taint your year.
4. As we go through the door, we must loudly praise, rejoice and worship. We have the victory and we must act like it. The enemy is terrified of the Redeemed Saints.
Let us declare that we have amazing testimonies this year.
Our thanks and blessings to you all. We have been encouraged by your notes and we appreciate your Christmas updates.
Together for the Kingdom,
The Injerd Clan
Dave, Sharman, Erland and Kjersti
*Tremendous conference.
*A beautiful, functional office for the school.
*A new first-grader.
*Strategies for the year.
*Health and safety.
*We will live obediently and victoriously.
*Protection for ourselves and the school.
*Wisdom for Dave and Erland as they constantly push to keep things working.
*Dave’s ministry opportunities in Quito.
*Health and safety.