Dear Thankful Saints,
We are thankful for each of you and for the way God touches you to bless us and His work here. Thank you for being faithful co-laborers with us.
This week I read and reread the story of Naaman in 2 Kings 5. The Lord impressed upon me how important it is to be faithful in the small things so that miracles and the greater move of God can flow. The little slave girl was faithful to her God, her master and in sharing her one bit of testimony – “If only my master were with the prophet who is in Samaria. For he would heal him of the leprosy.” We are carriers of the Spirit of the Living God, can we not be faithful in a small way and share our one bit of testimony? Naaman’s wife believed the little girl and Naaman is sent to the prophet Elisha (great story).
The capable, brave and beloved Captain Naaman arrives at Elisha’s door with a mountain of treasure to pay for his healing. Elisha does not come to the door to greet his distinguished visitor but sends his servant with a message. Naaman is given a simple, seemingly insignificant task to do to be healed. Here is where many of us get stopped and we lose the blessing/miracle because we feel it is beneath our dignity (pride). First, Naaman is miffed because Elisha himself doesn’t come to meet him personally and do a hand waving ceremony and “poof” the leprosy would disappear. But to be told to go to a muddy river and dunk himself seven times made Naaman furious. It was too simple, too humbling. He almost missed his moment of greatest triumph. Maybe the task God has given us to do is obscure, trivial, humbling – like watering a group of camels for a stranger (Rebecca) or going to a hostile jungle tribe to share the love of God (5 martyred missionaries), or quietly training world-changers for the Kingdom (Susanna Wesley) or washing the disciples’ feet (Jesus). If we are not faithful in obeying the small tasks God gives us, He will not trust us with the greater.
By the grace of God, Naaman listened to his servants who urged him to obey the prophet. The Captain is healed of his leprosy and becomes a wholly committed follower of Adoni Elohiem. Our faithfulness to obey in the small things will bring a larger harvest than we can imagine.
The Lord has put into our hands a “small” thing to do this year for the expansion of the Kingdom. Kjersti and I have begun to film Kindergarten – Second grade lessons and Bible stories taught live to the children in the Tambo school. After ten years of working in the education system here, I have found that there is a lack of creativity and understanding of how to teach. Our goal is to provide a tool for the new schools and would-be teachers that not only actually teaches the children the subject, but that inspires the teachers to think outside the box. Through God’s grace, we have been faithful even when children have been absent. We could not complete this project if Dave and Erland were not faithful in the small, yet absolutely necessary, tasks they must perform to keep everything running smoothly. We have seen the amazing success of the English videos we made two years ago and know that this is our next step for the Kingdom.
One more new project is the result of a vision my friend Maria and I had almost 10 years ago – teacher training seminars. This week (December 6-7) will be our “first annual” teaching seminar and spiritual growth conference. A good friend and pastor will be feeding the hearts and spirits of our teachers while I will be doing in-depth education enlightenment. Thanks for your prayers.
Our hearts are full of thankfulness for you and your service for the Lord with us.
Together for the Kingdom,
The Injerds
*New mercies every day.
*Opportunity to hold this conference.
*Our family is working as a team .
*Equipment and ability to film the DVDs.
*Office/indoor bathrooms at the school is almost completed.
*Health and safety.
*Continued grace and unlimited creativity as we film the entire year.
*2 more first graders
*Wisdom for Dave and Erland as they constantly push to keep things working.
*Conference this week – hearts softened to the Lord, minds open to The Creative Genius.
*A geologist to come down.
*Health and safety – more important than you know.