Dear Rejoicing Saints:
We want to thank each of you who sent us your Christmas family news. It is good to catch up and share with your lives . We thank those that are excited with us for the new family that has been formed between Erland, our son, and Mayra Bermudez. Being an international union, there are several extra steps involved in their legal marriage before they can be free to live in the United States. In Ecuador, the only binding contract for a marriage is that issued by the government before a judge. A church wedding may or may not be part of the equation. This week a group of family members stood with Erland and Mayra before the judge to legally seal their pledge to one another. With this certificate, the lengthy process can be started to obtain a green card for Mayra.
The Lord has put into Erland’s heart to return to the States to join the military as his career. Time is of the essence because of his age; therefore, he will fly to the US this month and begin his journey in the army while Mayra stays in Ecuador waiting for her visa. When her residency is granted, Erland will return to Ecuador, they will have a wonderful church wedding and then fly off to begin their new life and family. God’s timing.
What more does 2014 hold? The number 14 implies double spiritual perfection. I see this as a year of opportunity for us to gain access to the Throne Room and His revelation like never before. God WANTS us to know Him more intimately, to hear His voice more clearly, to learn to have holy fear of Him so we can gain wisdom. He WANTS us to walk in and complete the individual destiny He lovingly planned for us before He created the earth. Jeremiah 33:3 is key: “Call unto Me and I will answer you and show you great and mighty things that you do not know.” In the coming months we must meditate on His Word with the anticipation that He will teach us; we must ask for more and more revelation to stay Kingdom focused in everything we do; we must obey immediately what we hear Him tell us to do.
Remember that perfection comes with trials and sharpening. Hold on to His hand, trust in His guidance and follow with joy.
Kjersti puts in lots of time and creativity to make our mission website fresh and uplifting. Please visit us at
Together for the Kingdom,
Dave, Sharman, Erland, Mayra and Kjersti Injerd
- Mayra, a godly jewel, is Erland´s wife.
- A new year brings new paths.
- You, our faithful supporters.
- Zakry Fleshman who is a genuine help.
- The mission WEBSITE
- Health and safety.
- Paperwork and favor for the new couple.
- New documents for the school to be approved for our new vision.
- Secretarial and DVD editing help.
- We will understand what it means to call on Him in faith for everything.
- Health and safety.