Dear Faithful Supporters,
A Blessed June to you! While most of you are watching the flowers blossom and picking cherries, we are well into winter with unusual winds and lots of rain. Yahoo!
The month of May went fast with God showing Himself merciful and kind. We were honored to have two ministers from the States come for a short conference and share with our affiliates principles of spiritual growth. They were a tremendous blessing to us personally and to our people.
Walking with the Lord and in spiritual freedom to minister as the Lord tells us, produces interesting fruit. One of my gifts is to pray for whomever the Lord puts in my path. A couple of months ago, the police came for an unexpected visit and I was able to pray with the sergeant and his men. A few weeks later, a couple of those men came again with the mayor (a woman) from Papallacta to plan a workshop for our older students. As I was showing them out of the school building after the planning time, the ranking officer stopped me with a surprised look. “Aren’t you going to pray for us before we leave?” I blinked. Wow. How often do believers get asked by policemen of third world countries for prayer?? Smiling with the pleasure of the Lord in my heart, I took them outside to pray. The mayor turned quickly to run down the hill and escape but the officer called her back and insisted (commanded) she participate. What a hoot. When they came again for the workshop, she was all smiles and hugs. At the end of their sharing time, the police and the mayor commented to the children that they had never been with a group of school kids who were so respectful, obedient and well-behaved.
Earlier this year, the Senior Class from Alliance Academy in Quito, a top-tier Christian school, came to visit our school to experience missions in their own country with the poor and in the raw. Later, to our astonishment, the class of 45 students chose names of our kids and sent each one a pair of new boots filled with goodies and a letter of encouragement. Our children were thrilled, but more than that, it made the junior highers in our school very reflective about blessing others instead of simply receiving. In response, each of our children wrote a thank you note to their benefactors. Today, we received this note from that elite group of potential movers and shakers. We stand amazed.
Dear Sister Sharman,
We are happy to inform you that the Senior Class of Alliance Academy International has chosen to give a donation of $450 to Mission Schools Sea La Luz. The Class of 2013 was very touched by our experience with you this winter and we value and applaud the way your ministry is making a difference for families and children in Ecuador, sharing the love of God and the joy and value of a strong education.
….Again, on behalf of the Senior Class, thank you for all you do in Ecuador for the glory of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Cami Pastor, President of the Class of 2013
I share these events to encourage you, our brothers and sisters in Christ. Do not get discouraged in well-doing because God will bless you in ways you do not see or understand yet. Be faithful in the small things as well as in the major. Everything must be done with Kingdom in mind – that is how His Kingdom comes to earth.
We ask your prayers with us for the Guabug school as it is under enemy-fire right now. God has the victory and we stand firm in this but we need your prayers as well.
Last week, a group of us visited our jungle brothers for a time of praise, worship and teaching. The Lord’s presence was sweet and the leaders were very receptive. After the service we talked again about starting a school. Listening to and talking with those in charge, we feel this group may not be ready right now to administer and flow with what God wants to do. We need wisdom and Christian TEACHERS to open any new schools. If God is tugging at your heart, please pray about this opportunity to touch lives for the Kingdom and write us.
Together for the Kingdom,
Sharman for Dave, Erland and Kjersti Injerd
*God is bigger than…
*Small steps of obedience carry great effects.
*Wonderful time with Pastor Linus and Acijam.
*Health and Safety.
*Guabug school to see God’s hand and victory.
*God’s schools/children to touch the hearts of many authorities.
*Protection for His people.
*Guidance for where to start new schools.
*Godly directors and teachers to come on staff.
*Health and safety.