Dear Praying Saints,
May was an amazing month for us in which we saw the manifold blessings of God to His work here. We pray that you have taken note of His mercies to you and given Him thanks from your heart.
Our first praise is for the electric company in Quito who sent a team out because they had heard there was a school without electrical power. Our petitions and initial down payment to the company had been ignored for almost a year when suddenly several people in blue appeared on our porch. The group was very blest by the children but quite chagrined that nothing had been done. They immediately put in two fiberglass poles, a 15kVA transformer and strung a 240 Volt cable from the road to the school area. Dave and Zak, the short-term worker with us, put in another pole and cable to feed the school. After seven years of running off of generators, we now have 24 hour coverage. It is a great relief and praise.
Then came nurse Carrie Dotson from Washington State. Carrie is a wonderful addition to the family: enthusiastic, spiritually sensitive, already a good friend to Kjersti and in demand by our village and Maria’s high school in Quito to teach English, first aid and do minor health repairs. June through August she will be working mainly in Quito for Maria’s extension program with Ecuador’s young elite athletes who are in training for world competitions. What a marvelous opportunity to share Jesus! Please pray that Carrie advances rapidly in her Spanish fluency so she can converse confidently about the Lord.
Another new and VERY exciting step for the Mission is the creation of the “Traveling School” or “Van with a Plan”. We are blessed with
God’s strategy to reach the children in the outlying forgotten villages in such a unique way. Think about it: no building, furniture or stationary teachers to find, pay for and maintain and no incredible hassles with government red tape to run a formal school. But it is an easy, fun way for children to hear the word of God, learn English and receive videoed classroom teaching of pre-school through fourth grades. Since this effort will be a tutoring “business” and not a school, we will not be seen as competition by the local public schools. The plan is to present an opportunity to individual principals to relieve the large classroom stress by sending us 12 students two hours a day, three days a week. The children will be taught by the videos we have created and receive personal tutoring with corresponding textbooks we provide. Since the primary goal is to present our vibrant, living, loving Jesus to the children and then a solid academic foundation, we need no kudos for how well the children do in their studies. The local school will be the beneficiary of higher test scores and students who have met Jesus. Ideally, the traveling school will be able to visit six communities a week on a regular schedule. The more vans, drivers and circuit riding teachers we send out, the more communities we can affect. Discipling children in the faith while educating future leaders. How exciting is this?!?

How about you or someone you know? The need is for:
- Believers who are willing to walk by faith and stretched in their understanding of God’s plan for them and others;
- Believers committed to spend at least a year of their lives on the cutting edge of national transformation;
- Confident, competent drivers willing to double as teacher and/or Bible study leader with the parents that will accompany the children;
- Loving adults who want to touch lives for the Kingdom by tutoring children;
- Funds to buy 2 – 3 more vans and equipment.

Many blessings to each of you for following what God is doing here and encouraging us to keep forging ahead. We trust we will be able to see many of you this summer on the east coast and mid-west.
Together for the Kingdom,
Dave, Sharman and Kjersti Injerd
*Constant electrical current to the school! Safety for Dave as he climbed to great heights on a home-made ladder.

*Carrie Dotson is here and fitting in very well.
*The Traveling School will be reality.
*The Pentecost celebration in the school was heartfelt and tender.
*Many angelic interventions for health and safety.
*End of the year school documents to be done before we leave for the States.
*God’s hand on Kjersti as she puts together our 2014 informational DVD of the Mission.
*Creativity and direction for Carrie as she works in Quito tutoring and here in Tambo editing classroom DVDs.
*Summer visiting schedule to be finalized.
*Health and safety.