Hello Dear Saints!
Blessed Feast of Tabernacles! We are celebrating two new beginnings, the new school year and the Hebrew new calendar year, 5775, year of God´s Whirlwinds.
School is going at a good pace with many new faces. The teachers are very enthusiastic and joyful this new year. We stand in wonder at the move of God in our village. For four years many turned their backs on the school but now have come to be part of His family. We praise God for His faithfulness when there does not seem to be much hope.
One tremendous hallelujah is for Carrie, our short-term missionary. As a certified nurse, she fulfills a required slot for Maria’s high school in Quito one day a week. As a well-rounded, wonderful addition to our teaching staff in Tambo, she fills many roles. The one role that has really impacted the children is her teaching violin lessons. The children are thrilled. I have received reports that this instrument is now on the “wish list” of several kids. One new fifth-grade student is handicapped being born with a hand without fingers. The boy has an excellent attitude toward life but has not been challenged or disciplined to do any academic work, therefore has had a difficult time learning to study. Although Kjers
ti, his teacher, is extremely capable and patient, it appears an almost insurmountable task to gain academic ground. Enter Carrie. With her medical background, love for children and God-given creativity, she fashioned a mitt out of a wristbrace to hold the bow of the violin. The light and smile on Jefferson’s face brings tears to our eyes, and to his parents. Look at the photos in order. Finally, he has something at which he c
an excel. To God be the glory!
One more move of God in our sphere. Ecuador has divided the nation into 156 small areas called districts. Our province and particularly our district have been basically at the bottom of the performance barrel since its inception. Last June, we brought the school children to the Educational District office at the invite of the Supervisor to sing and pray for the new 25-plus staff that have been so helpful to us this year. After the children sang, danced and shared, I offered a time of individual prayer with those that were interested. Although they were free to leave, almost the entire staff stayed for prayer. I was surprised by how many of them were concerned about their collective job operation and asked that God help them do their work well. We prayed accordingly. Last month a notice was sent out to all of the schools in the nation about the status of the different provinces and districts. Our district ranked #1 in the nation for performance! Absolute miracle – not even in the thinking of the auspicious and powerful districts of the big cities.
I think we often relegate God’s interest and answers to prayer to only believers. God wants the world to know that He loves each of them and answers the petitions of those that do not know Him to draw them to Himself. What a tremendous testimony to the boundless love of God.
If you feel led by the Lord to touch a student in a personal manner, we have a new program that Carrie is excitedly pushing forward. In the past we have had individuals sponsor a child in prayer, with letters and financially; however, it was extremely difficult for us to maintain the cross-cultural exchange which was a source of frustration for me. But God wants the children to have the prayer support, in particular, so He sent Carrie to take photos, videos, history/updates, translate letters and manage the project. Hurray!!! If you would like to know more, please drop us a note. The website will soon have a button with all the necessary information.
Thank you for supporting us with your prayers, encouragement and donations. What a blessing you are to us. If you have a prayer request please feel free to let us know so we can join you in coming before the Father.
Together for the Kingdom,
Dave, Sharman and Kjersti Injerd
Tambo, Ecuador
Great start to the school’s 12th year.
Manifestations of God’s tender love to His kids.
The younger generation gladly laboring in the Great Commission
Awesome week of Feast of Tabernacles
After 8 years of hard work, our pioneer English DVD course of 105 lessons is DONE!
Your prayers for us.
Health and safety.
God’s purifying whirlwind of light would cleanse us and our village to be a place where He will dwell.
Wisdom and unique ways to touch the children for the Kingdom.
Many sponsors to come forward to pray for and support His kids.
Continued progress on the DVDs to take into the great unknown.
Health and safety.