Dear Expectant Saints,
Every year, I meditate and study what God would have us know about His intent for the new year by looking at what the numbers signify. E. W. Bullinger in his book, Number in Scripture writes,
“As He is perfect, so His words and His works also must be perfect. And when we see number used not by chance, but by design; not haphazard, but with significance; then we see not merely so many works and words, but the Living God working and speaking. … Each number has its own significance; and its meaning is found to be in moral harmony and relation to the subject matter in connection with which it stands.”
Therefore, in our world, God reveals His intent for His people in His use of numbers. So what does 2015 mean?? Have I got good news for you! How do we say this number? 20, which means expectancy, and 15 which in every use in the Bible meant acts of Divine Grace. Wow!! It is my intent to wake up every morning and declare “I anticipate acts of Divine Grace today!” It might mean a mighty miracle or it might mean that by Divine Grace I breathed my allotted number of breaths so that I can praise His Name when I put my head on the pillow. All of life is to His Glory.
Think of this “expectancy” concept with the verses God impressed upon me for the year: Romans 8:28 and Genesis 50:20
And we know that ALL THINGS work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
…you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.
No matter how adverse the situation, how intense the pain, how low the enemy stoops to derail us, if we are seeking the Lord in all our ways, daily committing our lives to serve Him in whatever capacity, God will use it for good to save lives and further His Kingdom.
Testimony time. I write our testimonies to encourage all of us. The Word promises that God hears and answers our prayers. When we see the amazing way God answers one of our brothers, we are encouraged to press in with worship, thanksgiving and petitions – believing.
God’s school was invited by the mayor of the county in person and by letter to participate in a Christmas singing competition with all of the public schools in the county. After much prayer, we accepted but NOT as a competitive participant, rather as the opener to set the tone for the program. The Lord gave me three songs from our own Christmas program that would glorify His Name to the world. For a number of days I had been praying that His sound would go out to the jungle – even to Peru – and change the atmosphere. Maybe this program in a larger town would be a catalyst for the sound going forth.
On December 18, Chanukah, the time of great miracles, all 27 of our children with many of the mothers arrived early at the county-seat gym to present Jesus. After waiting until almost the starting hour and no one else appearing, it became plain we were missing some information. I was incredulous after a call to the mayor’s office revealed that the competition was cancelled due to lack of interest on the part of the public schools but the planners had failed to notify us. My first reaction was: “The enemy is so scared of the message these children bring, he cancelled the entire program!” Immediately, the staff went into prayer to see what God wanted done.
The parents were angry and began to bad-mouth the authorities, but the Lord had a bigger plan. Without my flesh getting in the way (a miracle in itself), I knew what we had to do. The mayor wanted a Christmas program; he would get a Christmas program. I ordered the children to load up in the van and in Dave’s truck and announced to the parents we were off to the mayor’s office.
Actually, I was excited. This was even better than I had imagined – we would have a private audience with the government officials. I was going to press my advantage on the enemy’s retreat; a warrior on a mission from God. I’m sure the angels were laughing hysterically. On my way up the stairs to see the mayor, I met the man (Luis) who organized the activity and who didn’t let us know of the cancellation. I told him firmly the children were here to sing for the mayor. Luis sincerely apologized and said he had “something else” we could do. There is a small public radio station in the city whose director is a Christian. The station had been contacted and would be thrilled to have the children do a live show right now. Radio? Sound waves? Let’s flow with the Holy Spirit.
Reload van – too many people sandwiched inside beginning to sweat profusely on the five minute trip to the radio station. The station is a small operation but has great coverage. The “studio” has a tiny space in the shape of an “L” around the equipment into which we fit 27 children, Kjersti and myself, giving a ‘surround-sound’ effect. The host was kind, graciously explaining to his listeners who we were and our intent. We then sang the three songs of God’s praise meant to touch a town but that charged the atmosphere over several countries of South America instead. The phone immediately responded with positive calls all the way from Argentina.
Luis, meantime, wanting to make good his error, had opened up a little-used office building across the street from the station so the parents could listen to the program, arranged refreshments for all of us and invited the mayor to come and personally greet the children and speak to the adults. The building had a meeting room large enough for the children to present two of the songs with choreography for the governmental staff that attended. During this event, Kjersti and two of the kids conducted a live interview with the radio host and, before leaving, Kjersti and I had a quiet moment with the mayor to pray for him. He was surprised and touched as he rarely has anyone approach him to give him something without requiring a return favor.
As we were reloading the vehicles, the radio host/director came out to speak to me. He was so impressed by the literally perfect conduct of the children and the mature attitude of the two in the interview, he asked if we would help him launch a weekly children’s program focused on how to live a godly, moral life. This is a public station…. What an opportunity to expand God’s Kingdom.
This was another lesson to me to move my limited thinking out of the way and let God direct my paths. He answered our prayers beyond our wildest expectations. Even the most spiritually closed of the parents readily acknowledged this was a miracle. Rejoice with us and be encouraged.
Thank you for your family updates, kind notes and continued support. We really appreciate hearing from you. Expect to see great acts of God’s grace this year.
Together for the Kingdom,
Dave, Sharman and Kjersti Injerd
*Your prayers for our Christmas programs were answered.
*Opportunity for all of us to see God’s good plan in a disappointing situation.
*Mayra’s visa is progressing.
*Erland passed his Project Manager’s exam giving him a PMP certificate.
*Health and safety.
*100-fold return on the seeds planted in the parents.
*Our international endeavors to multiply exponentially.
*Mayra’s visa to be finalized so she and Erland can live in the States.
*Mission documents to be renewed without hassle.
*Many sponsors to come forward to pray for and support His kids.
*Radio programming to touch South America.
*Health and safety